I would love to help you get started in your walk with Jesus. You're probably wondering... "What now?" Here is a few things to help you begin to grow in your relationship with Jesus and walk into the abundant life He has for you!
Know - Know what it means to put your faith in Jesus.
The bible says..
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16
We cannot earn our way to heaven by being a good person or going to church on sunday. We are saved by our FAITH that God sent His son to be a perfect living sacrifice for the sins of the world. It is a free gift! Know that if you put your faith in Jesus - Your name is written in the Lambs Book Of Life!
Read - Read the bible.
I wish I knew the importance of this after giving my life to Jesus. I avoided reading the bible because I didn't think it was necessary and it also just seemed really big and boring. That was until one day someone told me how essential it is for our walk on this earth as christians.The bible teaches how God is calling us to live, how to be an effective LIGHT here in this DARK world, and how much God truly loves us! The bible is a love letter from God to us - full of promises and comfort.
Pray - Prayer is how we talk to God.
When we make time for prayer - we're making time for God. When we make time for God - our lives begin to change. Not only that - our hearts and minds begin to change. In a world that never shuts off - we can find rest on our knees with Jesus. When our world is falling apart - we can find restoration on our knees with Jesus. When we don't know where to turn - we can find out what to do next on our knees with Jesus. We have a direct phone line to God and it's through prayer. It doesn't have to sound pretty. Talk to God like He is your friend - because He is. And He cares about whats on your heart.
Prayer is also essential to the christian walk when it comes to seeing God move. If you have friends or family members in your life that don't know Jesus.. begin to pray for them and God will move!
SHARE - Share your testimony!
Your testimony is one of the most effective tools you have for bringing others to Jesus. People can argue about the bible all they want - but they can't argue about what Jesus has done for you in your own life! Jesus called you where you are to share the good news! You were called to be a light in the darkness. Begin to boldly declare your faith in Jesus to everyone you know! Let God handle the rest!
(here is an effective study method that I personally use every day!)
S - Choose scripture. Write down the verse you are choosing to press into today!
O - Write down your observation of the verse. What is it truly saying? Before I observe the verse I normally ask the Holy Spirit to help me understand it. Invite the Holy Spirit to help you press in and see what God is trying to tell you. The Holy Spirit is our helper!
A - How can I apply this verse to my life? How can I bring it into today?
P - Pray about it! Ask God to help you apply this verse to your life!
Where can I get a bible?
If you have trouble getting a bible for any reason - I can send you a free one when you email me your full name and address to
Where should you start in the bible?
There is no 'right place to start.' I personally started on page one of The New Testament in Matthew 1. I found this to be the easiest place to start when I first gave my life to Jesus!
Which bible should you get?
You should get a bible translation that you can see yourself reading as often as possible. I personally have an NIV but I also press into KJV.
Why is there so many translations?
It has been translated in multiple languages to help us better understand it. There has been many translations of the bible but they are all rooted in the original manuscripts.
What church should you go to?
This is a tough question for me to answer but I get it a ton. I feel the devil has infiltrated his way into so many churches and the only way to know if a church is truly preaching the bible and not a false gospel is by reading your own bible. If you haven't read even just some of the bible yet - I personally would hold off. Jesus is everywhere and we don't need to go to church to be with Him. That being said - being surrounded by other brothers and sisters in Christ, I would say, is crucial in our walk with Jesus. We were not meant to do this walk alone!
What church do I personally go to?
I live in Florida so there are MANY churches here. But - i normally attend church online. I am a part of Hungry Generation with Pastor Vlad Savchuk. I also tune into sermons from Todd White! Christian youtubers I watch as well are Nick Jones & Isaiah Saldivar!