During your prayer time - head over here to pray for others who need it †

Lord, we lift all of these people up to you in the name of Jesus!


I have been struggling with pregnancy losses and fertility issues. I am trying to trust god through the journey. Please pray I conceive a healthy child and trust more in gods timing. - Ashley


Hi Taylor. My name is Randy. I came across your youtube channel and saw a video promoting your website and you mentioned about a prayer page. I believe the Holy Spirit has prompted me to come and boldly ask for prayer. This year I believe the Holy Spirit has led me to a wilderness to be closer to God. I have joined a new church with my family and want to ask for confirmation from Him that this will be my home church for the next while. So far the church has been wonderful and it seems like home to me and my family. I would not make a decision without first having confirmation from the Holy Spirit. Please pray for that. Thank you for setting up this page. Praise the Lord! - Randy Phung


I want to quit porn, please pray for me! - D


I want to be happy again - Ed


I love my girlfriend Dasha. She is the love of my life. We are both Christian and living in Luxembourg (Europe). We need financial provision to get married and to move in together. We're currently lacking clarity on what to do and how God will come through. Especially me, as the man in the relationship, am feeling extreme pressure to get things together and it's honestly all weighing me down to the point of me suffering from breakdown from time to time when I'm all alone and I'm feeling the weight of the world upon my shoulders. I'm praying to God daily for him to help me. And while God is faithful in providing for my daily needs, I don't know how he's going to get me out of survival mode and into my blessing. My prayer is for God to provide that breakthrough. For me, for my girlfriend (and hopefully future wife) and for my future family. I'm trying to be obedient to God so my hope is that he will come through and help me. May God bless you. - Sebastien (ig - @sebastienkoler)


Not for me but for a friend of mine named Kate. She is dabbling deep with 'familiar spirits'. The night I prayed for her myself, I had a very demonic dream, I met one of her 'spirit guides' and it wasn't fun, but I'm happy my prayer disturbed it. - Fred


To meet my soulmate - Sir Knight


I am inviting someone to my church and I need Prayers to see if it is meant to be. - Ryan K.


I need prayers to help me listen to the right spirit. To pass the tests which God has for me in the battle ahead. - Rick Warner


Hi I’m Joel I’m struggling meeting a girl and struggling with my Asperger’s it’s like autism thanks - Spinella


That the Lord would show me His will for my future (college, major, etc.) - Savannah T.


Clarity of feeling like I’m not enough, I feel like a friendship was ended and that I feel like I’m not enough, just refreshing that I am chosen by Christ and that I’m not a mistake - Cardre Scott


I gave my life two Jesus two years ago and have tried very hard to walk the Christian way of life but always end up giving in to sin. I recently became a single mom and I so desperately want to strenghten my faith so that I am able to bring up my daughter in the truth of the gospel and be the best role model as possible. - Rocio